
How Infinit3Guard uses and records your servers information.

Whitelisted Domains

When Infinit3Guard' link filter is deployed, a default whitelist of Infinit3Guard-Safe graded links will be created and stored on our backend. All domains added to this whitelist after deployment are appended to the stored whitelist.

Exported Messages

If (and only if) a message export is done for a text channel , the message contents will be saved to our servers. The only information in this log is the message & user info. If you would like for this log to be deleted, please reach out to key using the devcontact feature.

Upon export, a file will be created on our servers containing your server's name, as well as the export date. Each line in the file representing 1 user message.


If you decide to opt in for SMS. This information will be stored.

To protect the privacy of client numbers, we offer suggestions for both free & paid services that may be used to conceal it.

  • Google Voice (Free)

  • TextFree/TextVerified/Similar VOIP Services


upon Infinit3Guard setup, the administrator roles at that given time are saved with the server's configuration.

Last updated