A breakdown of the background tasks Infinit3Guard performs to keep your server safe.
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A breakdown of the background tasks Infinit3Guard performs to keep your server safe.
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Moderators, relax! I promise I'm not here to take your jobs! Infinit3Guard monitors all text channels for suspicious links, and takes action on that message if one is detected. The most common form of phishing attack is in the form of accounts spamming a malicious link in either DMs or the general text channels. While Infinit3Guard cannot manage other users' direct messages, it surely can manage the text channels. When a non-whitelisted link it sent, it will be removed.
Webhooks are commonly used as an attack vector to hide the account performing the malicious acts and bypasss common preventative measures. Infinit3Guard monitors your server's channels and if a non-authorized webhook is detected, moves to mitigate the attack.
As seen in recent server compromises, often times the attacker will attempt to grant admin access to an alternate account, either to do the dirty work on or to hide the compromised account. If such an attempt is made, Infinit3Guard will step in to de-escalate the user's privileges.
In the event of an attack, the attacker may try to grant a role with Administrator permissions. If such thing were to occur, Infinit3Guard will de-escalate the role to its non-Administrator form.
Your server is should now be impenetrable! Well, at least while the main system itself, Infinit3Guard, is still in the server. To aid Infinit3Guard in protecting your server, in the event Infinit3Guard is forcibly removed, a backup system takes its place; Providing SMS notifications and the ability to neutralize the threat in seconds.