The list of features jam-packed into Infinit3Guard
Infinit3Guard development is ongoing and features are being worked on actively.
As features are implemented, this page will be updated.
Message Purging
Use Infinit3Guard's clear command to quickly purge messages from a text channel
Inspecting Users
The next biggest threat to your server besides hackers are bot/spam accounts. Utilizing the inspect command, staff members are easily able to view the Infinit3Guard-given bot probability rating for a user along with their account creation date & server join date.
Message Import & Exportation
As seen in recent server hacks, sometimes the attacker may delete important text channels. Worry no more! With Infinit3Guard, you can easily export a channel's message history to be later redeployed at a later date. #important-links gone? What about the beloved #faq? As long as a message export exists, you can sleep with peace in mind.
SMS Notification & Controller
Stay in the know while you're on the go. If enabled, Infinit3Guard can send you a SMS text to notify you if your server is being attacked. No dox required.
In addition to the notification, you may also reply to the SMS with how you would like to respond to this threat.
Last updated