A guide to deploying the Infinit3Guard system.
Role Hierarchy
After inviting the bot to your server, ensure that your roles are arranged similar to the structure below.
Inf3Mini (Backup system)
Infinit3Guard (Main system)
In this structure, the backup bot has a role holding highest authority, with the main system beneath. A hierarchy similar to this structure is needed to ensure that Infinit3Guard's protections execute without issue.
The Infinit3Guard setup process was created with simplicity in mind. To begin, simply start by doing:
You will be able to select ✔️ or ❌ to answer the questions provided.
If you have made a mistake at any time during the setup process, proceed to the end of the setup and execute the process again to update your configuration.
Option breakdown
Webhook Protection
Restricts the creation of new webhooks. If a new webhook is created, it will automatically be deleted. This action can be bypassed using the bypass command (default or custom set). If bypassed, a webhook is created in place of the deleted one.
Role Permission Protection
Restricts the granting of administrator permissions to non-previously administrator roles. During the setup process, current administrator roles are recorded. In the event of a compromise, if the attacker tries to grant a role administrator permissions, this will be revoked. This action can be bypassed using the bypass command (default or custom set)
User Role Protection
If a user is granted a role that has admin, this role will be revoked. This action can be bypassed using the bypass command (default or custom set)
Link Filter
If a user sends a link in any text channel that is not on the whitelist of links, this link will be removed.
Fake Permissions
If enabled, and with NO role permissions set, this option is a very strong protection.
If enabled, server users will be able to be granted role specific permissions (manage channels, manage messages, mention everyone, etc). A user who has been granted permissions may redeem the permission, and in doing so they will be granted a temporary role with this permission. After the time window has closed, this role will be deleted.
Log Channel Creation
If yes, a new log channel will be created which all event logs will be sent to. If no, a channel with "admin" in the name will be looked for to take place as the default log channel.
Bypass Command
This option allows you to set your own custom bypass command instead of the default one provided by Infinit3Guard. This can be anything from a string of characters to a full sentence (spaces, punctuation).
Last updated